Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Taking the first steps to begin therapy can feel overwhelming, but it may be an important move toward improving your well-being. I hope that addressing some of the frequently asked questions about counselling will be helpful as you consider your next steps.

If you have any additional questions or uncertainties, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

  • It’s completely natural to feel nervous or anxious about your first counselling session. I aim to create a comfortable and welcoming environment for you. If you have any specific concerns or worries, please feel free to share them with me so I can help put your mind at ease.

    Here’s a brief outline on what to expect in your initial session:

    (1) Exploring your therapy background - I’ll ask you about any previous therapy experiences you’ve had. This helps me tailor your sessions based on what you’ve found helpful or unhelpful before. If you’re new to therapy, I’ll adapt to try and suit your unique needs.

    (2) Practical matters -I’ll explain how I work and provide relevant information that will help you understand the process.

    (3) Your questions - You’ll have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the therapeutic process.

    (4) Your therapy session - We’ll begin by exploring what’s brought you to counselling. There’s no right or wrong way to share, and I’m here to guide you if you feel unsure. You control the pace of the session and can share as much or as little as you’re comfortable with. It’s important that you feel in control and move at a pace that works for you.

    (5) Signposting if required - If it becomes clear that counselling or my style of therapy might not be the most suitable option for you, we’ll discuss other services that could better meet your needs.

    (6) Next steps - Toward the end of the session, we’ll talk about whether you’d like to book another session or take time to think it over. There’s no pressure to commit to further appointments.

    An initial session can be a helpful way to decide if therapy feels right for you.

    If you have any questions about counselling or want to book an initial session, please don't hesitate to reach out.

  • Deciding if you need therapy can be personal, but there are a few signs that might indicate it's worth considering.

    If you're feeling overwhelmed by emotions, struggling to cope with life’s challenges, or dealing with issues that are impacting your well-being, therapy might help.

    You don’t need to wait for a crisis—some people seek therapy for personal growth, to explore a sense of dissatisfaction, or to work toward a specific goal.

    Therapy can provide support whether you’re navigating a major life event or simply want a safe space to explore your thoughts and feelings.

    If you’re unsure, an initial session can help you explore whether it feels like the right step for you.

  • Counselling and therapy are terms that are often used interchangeably, but can be used to describe the focus of the work:

    Counselling typically refers to shorter-term work that focuses on a specific issue or challenge you may be facing, such as stress, a recent loss, or relationship difficulties. It’s often more present-focused and aims to provide support with immediate concerns.

    On the other hand, therapy tends to be a longer-term process that offers a more in-depth exploration of your overall life experiences, emotions, and patterns of behaviour. It delves into how your past may be affecting your present and provides space for deeper self-reflection and growth.

    The choice between the two depends on your personal needs and goals.

  • The number of therapy sessions you'll need can vary widely depending on several factors, including the nature of the issues you're facing, your personal goals, and how you respond to therapy.

    Some people may find that just a few sessions are sufficient to address specific concerns, while others may benefit from longer-term therapy for deeper emotional work.

    Counselling & therapy is a personal journey, and there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. You'd be welcome to adjust the frequency of sessions based on your needs and comfort level and you can pause or stop sessions at any point (the usual cancellation policy applies).

  • Many individuals find therapy to be a valuable resource for enhancing their overall well-being. It can help manage difficult emotions, overcome trauma, and navigate challenging life changes.

    Therapy is tailored to address your specific concerns and aims to assist you in making sense of your feelings, developing coping strategies, increasing self-awareness, and boosting your confidence. However, everyone's journey is unique, and responses to therapy can vary. While it can be transformative for many, there are no guarantees that it will resolve the issues you’re facing.

    If you feel that your sessions aren’t meeting your expectations, I encourage you to share your thoughts. Together, we can explore adjustments to make the sessions more effective or consider alternative services that might better suit your needs.

    You also have the freedom to end therapy at any time if you feel it’s not benefiting you, (the usual cancellation policy will apply). I invite you to express your feelings as we work together to ensure your therapeutic experience aligns with your goals and needs.

  • Therapy often requires exploring painful, embarrassing, or traumatic topics, which can sometimes bring up emotions and thoughts that have been buried. While this process can be challenging, the ultimate goal is to help you gain personal insight and benefit.

    Research shows that it’s not uncommon for clients to temporarily feel worse before they start to notice improvements. However, many individuals also find relief in sharing their struggles with someone who understands their experiences.

    It's important to acknowledge that therapy can sometimes intensify distressing thoughts and feelings. If you find yourself feeling worse, please let me know. Together, we can take proactive steps to address this, such as:

    • Adjust the pace of the sessions to make them feel more comfortable for you.

    • Explore strategies to enhance your comfort during our time together.

    • Develop coping strategies that you can use outside of our sessions.

    • Discuss alternative options, including different therapeutic approaches or other well-being practices.

    • Take a break from therapy if needed, with the option to return when you're ready.

    My priority is to create a constructive and supportive environment for you. If you ever feel overwhelmed, we can work together to adapt our approach to better meet your needs.

  • Research consistently shows that online and telephone therapy can be just as effective as in-person sessions. The fundamental principles of therapy remain the same, regardless of how the sessions are conducted.

    Choosing online or phone sessions can offer increased accessibility, comfort, and a sense of safety during the therapeutic process. However, it's important to recognise that there may be some challenges with these formats as well.

    If you'd like to learn more about the potential advantages and disadvantages of online/telephone counselling, and whether it aligns with your preferences, I invite you to check out the blogs I've written on these topics. They will hopefully give you valuable insights to help you decide which format might be the best fit for you.

  • Unfortunately, I don’t provide a crisis service. I'm only able to support you during our agreed appointment times.

    If you find yourself in crisis or you’re feeling actively suicidal. I strongly urge you to:

    • Call 111, 999 or visit your local A&E.

    • Contact Samaritans on 116 123 or

    • If you’re a student you can call Night Line.

    • Download the app called ‘Stay Alive’ It contains information for creating a safety plan, grounding techniques and information for keeping yourself safe.

    • Reach out to someone you trust for support.

    Your well-being is a top priority, and these resources can provide immediate assistance during difficult moments.

  • Unfortunately, I don’t offer reduced-fee sessions, but if private counselling is beyond your budget, you might consider the following options:

    • Speak to your GP to explore available services.

    • If you're employed, check if your workplace offers an EAP (Employee Assistance Program).

    • If you have medical insurance check to see if therapy is covered.

    • The Mental Health Foundation provides a list of organisations offering free mental health support.

    • CRUSE offers bereavement support, and Blue Cross provides a Pet Loss Service.

    • Your local library may have a selection of self-help books.

    • Anxiety UK offers reduced-fee online counselling to members.

    • Search the Counselling Directory to see if other therapists offer sliding scales for their fees

  • You don’t need to bring anything specific to therapy. However, if you have something you’ve written, drawn, or a personal item like a photograph that could help explore your concerns, you’re welcome to bring it along.

    If you find comfort in items like a blanket, teddy, or fidget toy, feel free to bring those as well. Your comfort is important, and I want you to feel at ease during your sessions.

    If you’re unsure or have any questions about what to bring, feel free to ask.

  • Maintaining confidentiality is a fundamental aspect of your therapy sessions and it’s a commitment I take seriously.

    Feeling safe in the therapeutic space involves knowing that what you share with me remains confidential. However, there are specific situations where confidentiality may need to be breached:

    • If I believe you are at immediate risk of harm;

    • If I believed someone else was at serious risk of harm;

    • If required by law or in the public interest such as a court order or terrorism concerns;

    A comprehensive list of exceptions will be included in the terms & conditions that will be sent prior to your first appointment.

    While it’s uncommon, if there were ever a need to break confidentiality, I would make every effort to discuss it with you beforehand.

    For a more detailed understanding of how your personal information is handled, stored and time retained, please refer to my privacy policy.

Still have questions?

If you haven’t found the answer to your question or you’d like to book an initial appointment don’t hesitate to get in reach out.

Frequently Asked Questions about counselling